Données d'échantillonnage

Microphytobenthos in Panarea Island. ECO2 Project

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Microphytobenthos collected in Panarea Island in the framework of ECO2 Project.

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Cibic T (2022): Microphytobenthos in Panarea Island. ECO2 Project. v1.8. National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics. Dataset/Samplingevent.


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Occurrence; Bacillariophyta; Dinophyta; Chlorophyta; Samplingevent


Cinzia De Vittor
  • Personne De Contact
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
34010 Sgonico
Tamara Cibic
  • Créateur
Principal investigar
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
Via Auguste Piccard 54
34151 Trieste
Marina Lipizer
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
34010 Sgonico

Couverture géographique

Panarea Island:

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [38,065, 14,172], Nord Est [39,198, 15,601]

Couverture taxonomique

Pas de description disponible

Phylum Bacillariophyta, Dinophyta, Chlorophyta

Données sur le projet

The ECO2 project sets out to assess the risks associated with storage of CO2 below the seabed. Read more at

Titre ECO2 - Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems
Identifiant SDN::EDMERP:11761
Financement The ECO2 project (no 265847) has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The Aeolian archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) is a ring-shaped volcanic arc, composed of seven islands and 10 seamounts, associated with the Peloritanian–Calabrian orogenic belt. Panarea is the smallest (3.3 km2) of the islands and it represents the emergent part of a wide stratovolcano that is more than 2000 m high and 20 km long where the subduction-related volcanic activity is still present.
Description du design Samplings were carried out during four sampling campaigns in the following periods: June and October 2012, May 2013 and May 2014. A total of five stations were sampled: three near Basiluzzo Island, characterised by different sediment colour and gas emission, and two NE of Panarea Island on a sampling site referred as “Hot-Cold” where the sediments are subjected to very different temperatures at a distance of approximately 1 m one from another

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Marina Lipizer
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Cinzia De Vittor

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

At all sampling stations and during all campaigns, sediment samples were collected by scuba divers with cut-off plastic syringes (2.6 cm i.d.). At each station and each sampling period, four sediment cores were sampled from which one was dedicated to the grain-size analysis and the remaining three to the microphytobenthic abundance (ABU) and community composition.

Etendue de l'étude Samplings were carried out during four sampling campaigns in the following periods: June and October 2012, May 2013 and May 2014. A total of five stations were sampled: three near Basiluzzo Island, characterised by different sediment colour and gas emission, and two NE of Panarea Island on a sampling site referred as “Hot-Cold” where the sediments are subjected to very different temperatures at a distance of approximately 1 m one from another.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. For the quantitative determination of microphytobenthos (MPB), the uppermost sediment layer obtained from three distinct sediment cores was fixed with 10 mL of 4% formaldehyde buffered solution (CaMg(CO3)2) in pre-filtered seawater (0.2 μm filter) and stored at 4 °C until processing. For each sampling, three replicates were counted for the Basiluzzo samples and two for the Hot-Cold stations as for the latter the standard deviation did not exceed 15%. After manual stirring, 125 μL aliquots of the sediment suspension were drawn off and placed in a counting chamber. To obtain an estimate of the total viable cells, only cells containing pigments and not empty frustules were counted under a Leitz inverted light microscope (Leica Microsystems AG) using a 32× objective (320× final magnification) (Utermöhl, 1958).
  2. Microphytobenthos community was divided into major taxonomic groups and within the group of diatoms more precise species identification was attempted. Diatoms frustule cleaning was performed by oxidizing subsamples with two time volume of hydrogen peroxide (35%) and ≈1 mL of sulphuric acid (95–97%) (CEN, 2003). Between single treatments, the subsamples were heated over a Bunsen burner until boiling and left under the hood for 24 h. After that, they were washed with Milli-Q water and left to settle for at least 24 h between single washings, until reaching a pH close to 7. All samples were then mounted on permanent slides in Naphrax™ (Northern Biological Supplies Ltd. Ipswich, UK) and observed under 1000× final magnification using a light microscope (LM) (Leica DM2500, Germany) equipped with a digital camera (Leica DFC490, Germany).
  3. Detailed information on: Rogelja, M., Cibic, T., Pennesi, C., & De Vittor, C. (2016). Microphytobenthic community composition and primary production at gas and thermal vents in the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Marine environmental research, 118, 31-44.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Rogelja, M., Cibic, T., Pennesi, C., & De Vittor, C. (2016). Microphytobenthic community composition and primary production at gas and thermal vents in the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Marine environmental research, 118, 31-44.
  2. De Vittor, Cinzia; Cibic, Tamara; Franzo, Annalisa; Rogelja, Manja (2014): Benthos abundance and diversity from surface sediments during cruise ECO2-6. Unpublished dataset #830077
  3. De Vittor, Cinzia; Cibic, Tamara; Franzo, Annalisa; Rogelja, Manja (2014): Benthos abundance and diversity from surface sediments during cruise ECO2-4. Unpublished dataset #830083
  4. De Vittor, Cinzia; Franzo, Annalisa; Cibic, Tamara (2014): Benthos abundance and diversity from surface sediments during cruise ECO2-7. Unpublished dataset #830785

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 10.6092/eff90de9-adef-4df3-b2b5-1f90a43a4b0a