What they are
Catalogues are intended as repositories of information which describes the data and makes them easier to find and explore for a variety of purposes.
The main features of the different catalogues are described here below.
Identificatore di un oggetto digitale (Digital Object Identifier - DOI)
OGS joined the project of the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) which made it possible to set up the Italian network of research centers and universities authorized to manage, as autonomous Data Centres, the assignment of an unlimited number of Identifiers a Digital Object identifier (DOI) through the DataCite international consortium. An international non-profit organization, DataCite facilitates the archiving, access and legitimation on the Internet of data and research results worldwide.
In particular, Datacite DOI is used to permanently identify any electronic object, such as datasets, documents, and images, for the purpose of its publication online and for its quotation in the scientific literature. Any intellectual property is associated with its reference data, the metadata, according to a structured and extensible scheme. Once the electronic object has got its DOI, it is consistently available as a static version, dating back at the time of assigning the DOI. A reference for assigning a DOI in the marine field is IOC Manuals and Guides No. 64, Ocean Data Publication Cookbook.

SeaDataNet metadata catalogs
The CSR, EDMED, EDIOS and EDMERP catalogues maintained at OGS are the Italian contribution to the following SeaDataNet metadata services:
- Cruise Summary Reports directory (CSR)
- European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets (EDMED)
- European Directory of the Initial Ocean-Observing (EDIOS)
- European Directory of Marine Environmental Research Projects (EDMERP)
SeaDataNet is the distributed pan-european infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data, and related metadata, deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans. The inventories cover several disciplines grouped in 8 categories following the SeaDataNet vocabulary P08: physical, chemical and biological oceanography, environment (P03, pollution, mainly marine litter), marine geology, and atmosphere (P03, meteorology).

CSR - Cruise Summary Reports Directory
This metadata inventory is aimed at facilitating the access to information and data collected during each research cruise in the archive.
The inventory managed by NODC gathers more than 300 entries, the oldest cruise dating from 1909. Most of them have been carried out on board Italian research vessels. Some of them have also been reported from scientific joint projects or ship exchange programs with foreign organisations.
The cruise information is collected and/or updated as follows:
- The cruise schedules are compiled by the ship's managers;
- The chief scientist(s) is in charge of filling in the cruise summary report form, in which the cruise is briefly described with regards to objectives, works carried out, geographical area, location track, bibliographical references;
- The cruise summary reports prepared are systematically archived in the NODC database and they are readily accessible by means of a cruise-specific reference number.
EDMED - European Directory of Marine Environmental Datasets
This data inventory is aimed at providing marine scientists, engineers and policy makers with a simple mechanism for identifying data.
The inventory managed by NODC includes over 300 datasets from estuarine, coastal, and offshore areas. They have mainly been collected by several Italian scientific institutes within the Mediterranean Sea, but also by other countries within neighboring sea basins. Data sets are referenced with their respective format (e.g. digital databases or files, analogue records, paper charts, hard-copy tabulations, biological samples, etc.). Data descriptions include: observed parameters, instruments, data processing, geographical area and time period, coordinate of the centre and the contact person.
The dataset information is collected and/or updated as follows:
- The dataset reports are prepared by the chief scientist(s);
- The EDMED forms are collated and maintained by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) of the SeaDataNet network, who contact and communicate with institutes in their countries to gather and to ensure up-to-date information and inclusion of important marine data sets.
EDMERP - European Directory of Marine Environmental Research Project
This inventory is aimed at facilitating the identification of research activities and the connection between users and engaged European research managers and organisations. The archive managed by NODC describes over 100 project reports relating to the marine environment.
The cruise information is collected and/or updated as follows:
- Any research institute or monitoring agency can create its EDMERP entries using the dedicated format and following the basic guidelines;
- The National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) of the SeaDataNet network coordinate the compilation and maintenance of the entries. NODCs contact and communicate with institutes in their countries to gather and ensure up-to-date information and inclusion of important marine research projects.
EDIOS - European Directory of the Ocean-Observing System
This inventory provides information on observing systems operating repeatedly, regularly and routinely in European waters. It contains metadata on European observing systems such as platforms, repeated ship-borne measurements, buoys, remote imagery, etc. EDIOS is an initiative of the European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS). The directory was developed during the EDIOS project, co-funded by the European Commission Research Directorate General.
The Italian EDIOS directory in the SeaDataNet metadata archive currently holds over 30 data entries, which are regularly updated.
The EDIOS directory is collected and/or updated as follows:
- Any research institute and monitoring agency can create its EDIOS entries using the dedicated format;
- Submissions are managed by the National Oceanographic Data Centres of SeaDataNet network, in cooperation with EuroGOOS.