DOI Details
- Identifier:
- 10.13120/8XM0-5M67
- Creators:
- Lipizer M.
- Molina Jack M. E.
- Wesslander K.
- Fyrberg L.
- Tsompanou M.
- Iona A.
- Buga L.
- Sarbu G.
- Gatti J.
- Larsen M. M.
- Giorgetti A.
- Titles:
- EMODnet Chemistry Regional sea eutrophication data collection and Quality Control loop
- Publisher:
- OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Oceanographic Section
- PublicationYear:
- 2023
- ResourceType:
- Document
- Sizes:
- 3.017 Kb
- 39 pages
- Formats:
- application/pdf
- Language:
- eng
- AlternateIdentifiers:
- RelatedIdentifiers:
- Version:
- 1.0
- Descriptions:
- This document describes the data management steps and the Quality Control procedure adopted by EMODnet Chemistry to obtain standardised, harmonised and validated regional data collections concerning eutrophication (nutrients, chlorophyll and oxygen) and ocean acidity (pH), for the European Sea Basins (namely: the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Arctic Region, Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean).
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