18 June 2021
On 16 June 2021, OGS and WWF were the protagonists of the event Plastica alternativa ( (alternative plastic) dedicated to general public. The so called “blue appetizer” is part of the Festival “MareDireFare”.
The sea is at the center of this festival, which involves the city of Trieste (Italy) from 5 to 20 June 2021, and intends to celebrate the start of the Decade of the Ocean launched by the United Nations.
“Plastica alternativa” is one of the four "Scientific tasting" meeting with the researchers and marine biologists of the Marine Protected Area of Miramare (Trieste) and OGS. During the blue appetizer, Alessandra Giorgetti and Chiara Altobelli, from the Italian National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC/OGS) explained why validated and shared methods for sampling, analysing and reporting data, as well as for storing and managing them, are fundamental to provide reliable information on marine plastic pollution. They brought two examples of the main European projects dealing with marine litter, whose OGS is partner: EMODnet Chemistry, a long-term consolidated initiative, and EUROqCHARM, an ambitious and promising new project.
For more information on the contribution of the Italian National Ocenographic Data Centre, managed by OGS, to “Plastica alternativa” event, please look at this presentation.